Welcome to PADO

pado (PAthological Data Obsession) is a Python module which defines a pragmatic data standard for pathological datasets.

pado’s goal is to provide a common way of accessing pathological data. It does this by enforcing as little structure as necessary to be able to serve the data via a common interface, while at the same time allowing for as much freedom as possible to accommodate a variety of use cases. It’s oriented towards Python developers that are familiar with the numerical Python stack and tries to make pragmatic design choices in favor of using common tools from the numerical python world to keep the learning curve flat.

We strive to make your lives as easy as possible: If pado is not pythonic, unintuitive, slow or if its documentation is confusing, it’s a bug in pado. Feel free to report any issues or feature requests in the issue tracker on github.

This page hosts the documentation for version “0.12.0”.


Pado is undergoing heavy development right now and things might change frequently. Watch the github repository to stay up to date.